Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Earth Day

I had to work this past weekend.  Adam took the kids to Ace to pick out a tree to plant for Earth Day.  What a super daddy!  He said that Eleanor was telling everyone she saw in the store that they should buy a tree because it was Earth Day!  Our little tree hugger!  It was so cold an windy out, but these 2 were out there for nearly 2 hours gardening.  They also put some strawberry plants and a few bulbs in Eleanor's new garden that we just created this spring.  She likes to explain how first little white flowers will form, then green strawberries, and finally they turn red and you can pick them.  The past 3 years of taking her to the fields to pick strawberries is paying off...   ha!  It will be interesting to see what her garden looks like mid summer!  She has added a lot of random seeds and starts already.  Love her green thumb!

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