Monday, April 11, 2011

Eleanor is 4!!!

Wow!  Has it really only been 4 years since I became a mom?  Can she really be 4 years old???  It is so hard to think of life before my little sunshine girl entered it, but at the same time, I don't quite know what to think about her being 4.  I think I am just lucky that I enjoy her so much at this age, so I don't really have time to be sad about how quickly she is growing up.  Ooops... just thought about it...there goes that shot of pain to my heart again!  :)

Baking her favorite type of cake. 
CHOCOLATE... with white icing and colored sprinkles. 
This girl knows EXACTLY what she wants!

We had so much fun celebrating her birthday!  She wanted to spend the day with her "nice friends" (her cousins) and not her "mean friends" (the kids in her preschool class... namely, Mathew).  So, we decided to take Mahri, Allyson, and Eleanor to Build-A-Bear.  A first for us.  Probably a last too unless we suddenly have a lot of money to blow on stuffed animals and their clothing. She is so into crafts and so into her stuffed animals (thanks to Toy Story and Velveteen Rabbit).  It was perfect!  The girls had such a great time finding the right animals and outfits.  Uncle Dan and Aunt Meg joined in the fun.  Grandma and Grandpa Schmitt played with boys in the kids' play area directly outside of the store.  It went great!  Then we came home for ice cream and cake.  Sweet! 

Allyson, Eleanor, and Mahri at Build-A-Bear

The girls came up with their outfits all on their own.  Girl power was strong on this day.

Oh... this is what a $30 bunny looks like.  :) 
Just in case you were curious!

Party #2
Great Grandma Zartman was born April 6th (1925).Eleanor on the 7th (2007), and
Great Aunt Wanda on the 8th (1927)! 

No need to worry... the boys enjoyed the festivities too!  We took advantage of the 84 degree weather with our first boat ride of the year.

We LOVE cake!

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