Monday, March 28, 2011

Here are the Schmittles!

Eleanor and her worm jar.

Eleanor is constant entertainment.  She loves nature, bugs, animals, pink "because it is a girl color", her shows, making new friends at the park, stuffed animals (especially rabbits) and being with mommy and daddy.  I can hardly believe that she is going to be 4 in a little over a week.  Gulp!  I would be totally sad if she wasn't so great at this age.  She has the sweetest things to say.  She wants us to be best friends forever.  If she only knew how happy that would make me!  She can make crafts from morning to night.  She doesn't want your ideas.  She wants to do whatever she comes up with... and let me tell you... it is WAY better than what I could come up with. Her Grandma Carole would be so proud!
Her dragonfly and butterfly creations!

Finally writing it down...

I have envied all of the moms out there blogging.  Motherhood has changed every ounce of my being and zapped all of my extra time.  I thought I was busy with Eleanor.  Then the twins came along.  I then reliazed that I did not have enough hours in the day to feed, eat, diaper, shower, etc!  Blogging at that point was impossible for me.  With Eleanor almost 4 and the boys nearly 2 1/2, people laugh everywhere we go and say, "You must have your hands full."  I do, but I also feel things are soooooooooooooo much easier and I do have more time compared to 1 year ago.  These days are my happiest.  I have learned so much about myself and experienced love beyond words.  Yet when I think of how fast they grow and how precious they are at this exact point in time... my heart aches.  An ache I never knew until becoming a mother.  Eleanor, Will and Thomas this is for you.  I will sacrifice my precious nap time to preserve these moments... because they do go so very fast.