Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Nature Girl

Eleanor spent yesterday weeding the garden on hands and knees (by her own choice).  She is such a nature girl.  She also rolled over each and every rock.  Looked for worms and centipedes.  She would find a worm, pick it up.  Roll over the next rock in search of a new worm hole, then place the worm by the hole and let him climb on in to his comfy new home.  ha!  She was outside for hours doing this.  :)

I was inside getting the boys dried off and in clothes.  My sister and her kids were over, so I was helping with baby Eliza.  I thought Eleanor was still working on her worm project, but I went outside to check on her.  I found her completely naked (I used the edited picture here) and covered in mud.  She said she wanted to be a Brown Mud Monster.  That she was.

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